jeudi 31 janvier 2013

Brigitte Bordage Said Tuareg Executions committed by Mali's army and its militia 2012-2013 Execution of 16 person in Diabli Executions 52 person in Diabli Execution of 3 students shot dead in Konna Execution of an old man and his son shot dead in Kona Execution of 30 person in Diabli and Konna Burning with oil of a family of 7person near Timbuktu mais non ! l'armée française a dit qu'il n'y avait pas d'exactions .....

Said Tuareg
Executions committed by Mali's army and its militia 2012-2013

Execution of 16 person in Diabli
Executions 52 person in Diabli
Execution of 3 students shot dead in Konna
Execution of an old man and his son shot dead in Kona
Execution of 30 person in Diabli and Konna
Burning with oil of a family of 7person near Timbuktu

mais non ! l'armée française a dit qu'il n'y avait pas d'exactions .....

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