Azawad Flash/
Selon le CDT des brigades de l'Azawad : joint par tel Sat: Les col Majors Ould Meïdou et ag Gamou à la tête d'un convoi de 300 véhicules et chars d'assauts sont arrivés hier aux environs de Tessalit et Amachach.Les combats sont encours et des hélicos pilotés par des mercenaires Ukrainiens sont intervenus brièvement avant de se retirer devant les batteries Antiaériennes du MNLA.L'un des hélico a été touché et une épaisse fumée se dégageait sur son sillage.
Au moment ou nous rédigeons ce message Ag Gamou cherche à faire (comme il est de tradition dans l'armée malienne depuis le début de ce conflit)"un repli tactique"mais les angles ne s'y prêtent pas..Les renforts du MNLA viennent juste d'arriver de Tinza avec leurs BRDM et blindés et ont réussi à scinder en deux les renforts et les deux Colonels Majors.Des violents accrochages et poursuites s'en sont suivis et le bilan en vies humaines est énorme ainsi que l'armement et équipements saisis côté malien nous confirme le CDT des brigades MNLA.Les combats se poursuivent et le bilan définitif sera connu avant l'aube.
Azawad Flash /
According to the CDT of brigades Azawad: joined by Tel Sat: PassThe Majors Ould Meïdou Gamou and ag at the head of a convoy of 300 vehicles andtank assaults arrived yesterday around Tessalit and Amachach . the battles areoutstanding and helicopters piloted by mercenaries Ukrainians responded brieflybefore withdrawing before the anti-aircraft batteries of MNLA. one of the helicopterwas hit and thick smoke emanated in its wake.
At the time of writing this message Ag Gamou seeks to do (as is traditional in the Malian army since the beginning of this conflict) "a tactical withdrawal" but the anglesdo not lend themselves .. The reinforcements of MNLA just arrived from Tinza andBRDM armored and managed to split into two reinforcements and the two ColonelsMajors.A violent confrontations and lawsuits ensued and the death toll is enormousand armament and equipment seized confirms the Malian side CDT MNLA.thesquads fighting continues and the final toll will be known before dawn.
Azawad Flash /
According to the CDT of brigades Azawad: joined by Tel Sat: PassThe Majors Ould Meïdou Gamou and ag at the head of a convoy of 300 vehicles andtank assaults arrived yesterday around Tessalit and Amachach . the battles areoutstanding and helicopters piloted by mercenaries Ukrainians responded brieflybefore withdrawing before the anti-aircraft batteries of MNLA. one of the helicopterwas hit and thick smoke emanated in its wake.
At the time of writing this message Ag Gamou seeks to do (as is traditional in the Malian army since the beginning of this conflict) "a tactical withdrawal" but the anglesdo not lend themselves .. The reinforcements of MNLA just arrived from Tinza andBRDM armored and managed to split into two reinforcements and the two ColonelsMajors.A violent confrontations and lawsuits ensued and the death toll is enormousand armament and equipment seized confirms the Malian side CDT MNLA.thesquads fighting continues and the final toll will be known before dawn.
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