News from AZAWAD Mali VS
Yesterday at dusk the reinforcements of the Malian army, commanded by ColonelOuld Meydou Gao have left the military to assist occupants in the territory ofMenaka, Adjala hoc Tessalit who fled before the forces of independence fighters ofAzawad.
The columns of reinforcements attacked all civil Touareg pulling and terrorizingthose encountered including nomad camps they Tuareg women stripped of theirphones and their jewelry to Indeliman.
Around 19:30 a MNLA Brigade attacked the convoy of military Assango to lootersduring the battle the military leader Colonel Ag Meydou was killed and several of his men with unknown number that could be very high ....
For the moment we try to hide Koulouba event for the "moral" of the troops.
Mountains of North East Azawad
Colonel Ag Assalat
5:49 p.m. Emergency: A report of any urgencce:
Atoujani ag intamnou a close relative of civil Erlaf Ag and Ag Ilias Hamedina general secretary of the municipality of Asouk and the CO of the army Ayad just been arrested by the army under the leadership of Alhaji Gamou. The two civilians were found in a pit ties between life and death. When the CO Ayad no news of him ..
Posted by at 4:58 p.m. Issikta
Yesterday at dusk the reinforcements of the Malian army, commanded by ColonelOuld Meydou Gao have left the military to assist occupants in the territory ofMenaka, Adjala hoc Tessalit who fled before the forces of independence fighters ofAzawad.
The columns of reinforcements attacked all civil Touareg pulling and terrorizingthose encountered including nomad camps they Tuareg women stripped of theirphones and their jewelry to Indeliman.
Around 19:30 a MNLA Brigade attacked the convoy of military Assango to lootersduring the battle the military leader Colonel Ag Meydou was killed and several of his men with unknown number that could be very high ....
For the moment we try to hide Koulouba event for the "moral" of the troops.
Mountains of North East Azawad
Colonel Ag Assalat
5:49 p.m. Emergency: A report of any urgencce:
Atoujani ag intamnou a close relative of civil Erlaf Ag and Ag Ilias Hamedina general secretary of the municipality of Asouk and the CO of the army Ayad just been arrested by the army under the leadership of Alhaji Gamou. The two civilians were found in a pit ties between life and death. When the CO Ayad no news of him ..
Posted by at 4:58 p.m. Issikta
Hier au crépuscule les renforts de l'armée malienne commandés par le colonel Ould Meydou ont quittés Gao pour assistés les militaires occupants le territoire de Menaka,Adjal hoc et Tessalit qui fuyaient devant les Forces des combattants pour l’indépendance de l'Azawad.
Les colonnes des renforts s'en sont pris à tous les civiles Touareg en tirant et en terrorisant tous ceux rencontrés y compris les campements nomades dont ils ont dépouillés les femmes Touarègues de leur portables et de leurs bijoux vers Indeliman.
Aux environs de 19h30 une brigade du MNLA a attaqué le convois des militaires pillards vers Assango au cours de cette bataille le chef militaire le colonel Ag Meydou a perdu la vie et plusieurs de ses hommes dont on ignore le nombre qui pourrait s’avérer très élevé....
Pour l'instant à koulouba on essaie de cacher l’évènement pour le "moral" des troupes.
Montagnes du Nord Est de l'Azawad
Colonel Ag Assalat
Urgence : A communiquer de toute urgencce:
rebellion touaregue